Jan 09, 2024

Recruitment SEO Step 5: How social media helps your SEO

Recruitment SEO Step 5: How social media helps your SEO

Social media can indirectly influence and support Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in several ways. While social media signals themselves (likes, shares, and comments) are not ranking factors the impact of social media on SEO is more about directing a known audience to your website

For example if you place Bond Traders and have cultivated a LinkedIn following of Bond Traders then post on your personal time line that will diretc those BondTraders to key pages on your website will be very accurate visitor goal hits for yoru website. Give them something to then eep coming back for and the return visit rate is a ranking factor for Google.

Here's how social media can help SEO:


Increased Brand Visibility:

    • Social media platforms provide additional channels for your content to be discovered and shared.
    • Increased social media visibiliy correlates to more brand searches on search engines, which can positively impact organic search rankings.

Quality Backlinks:

    • Sharing high-quality content on social media may lead to other websites linking to your content, creating valuable backlinks.
    • Backlinks being a critical ranking factor for search engines, and social sharing can contribute to a content's link-building efforts.

Social Signals:

    • While not confirmed as direct ranking factors, social signals (likes, shares, and comments) can indicate content popularity and engagement.
    • Engaging content gets mor shares, and search engines may consider user engagement as a sign of content quality.

Content Distribution:

    • Social media platforms are great for distributing your content to a specific audience.
    • Increased content visibility can attract more visitors to your website, and the resulting traffic can positively influence SEO.

Local SEO Impact:

    • Local businesses can benefit from social media signals in local search results.
    • Active accounts on platforms like Google My Business, Facebook etc can improve local search visibility.

Brand Authority and Trust:

    • A cultivated brand presence on social media can contribute to brand authority and trust.
    • Trustworthy brands are more likely to be recommended by users, leading to more searches and potential improvements in organic rankings.

Rich Snippets and Knowledge Graph:

    • Social media profiles often appear in knowledge graphs and rich snippets in search engine results.
    • A well-optimised and active social media presence can enhance the information displayed about your brand in search results.

User-Generated Content:

    • Encouraging user-generated content on social media and showcasing it on your website can provide fresh and authentic content.
    • User-generated content can contribute to a dynamic and engaging online presence, attracting users and search engines.

Social Media Profiles in Search Results:

    • Branded social media profiles often appear when users look for specific brands or entities in search results.
    • Optimised social media profiles contribute to a comprehensive and positive online presence.

Social Listening:

    • Social listening tools can help you understand user sentiment, preferences, and trends.
    • Insights gathered from social media can inform your content strategy and improve the relevance and quality of your website content.

While social media doesn't directly impact traditional SEO ranking factors, its influence lies in its ability to drive engagement, increase brand visibility, and generate signals that indirectly benefit your website's SEO efforts. Integrating a well-executed social media strategy with your overall digital marketing and SEO efforts can lead to a more comprehensive and effective online presence.