Dec 01, 2022

Google tells you ‘get your mobile sites in order

Google tells you ‘get your mobile sites in order

Get Mobiled

Google is out of the closet on something we have known for quite a few years, which is mobile is going to affect your rankings. Since 2010 we have been so serious about mobile recruitment websites, we have literally been giving them away free of charge to our clients and not those cheap and nasty mobile rendered sites.  Full on dedicated mobile recruitment websites is what we do.


So why is mobile so important?

Well in our case we can tell you that our clients have on average 14,000.000 visit to their sites we manage per month.  That is an ever growing number but so far on average 40% of the traffic comes from a user on a mobile devices and 80% of that traffic is on a smartphone.  The majority of the visits come from Google led searches and in many instances from job seeker oriented search terms (you can tell by the keywords).

We are not the largest recruitment website development company and nor are we the smallest.  We have just under 100 projects we manage today in 15 countries and if 40% of that traffic is mobile that means 5,600.000 mobile visits to to just 100 or so websites per month.  Expand that by all the websites in the UK circa 861,379,000 as of Jan 2014 and you can see mobile search queries is the new traffic to have for search engines.

So Google had to act and now so do you if you want to keep pace.  It just comes down to who is going to help you you, a company like ours who is 5 years ahead of the market or your present supplier who need to play catch up and will likely mobile render you site and kill its user experience stone dead.


Darren Revell
Please note I am Dyslexic, and in my form, I am blind to grammar, and sometimes I get my fors and fours, etc. backwards.  I am not stupid – in fact, my IQ and EQ are both quite high.  Please keep that in mind when you read my posts.  Thanks.